
2 Medical Language Related to the Body as a Whole

Topic: Medical Language Related to the Body as a Whole

Text Reference: Chapter 2. Medical Language Related to the Body as a Whole

Objectives: Students should be able to…

Use the anatomic reference system to identify the body planes below.

frontal (coronal plane) | sagittal plane | transverse plane


Planes of the body with blank labels
Planes of the body. Image adapted from Betts et al., 2021. CC-BY 4.0.

Use the anatomic reference system to identify the body cavities

abdominal | abdominopelvic | cranial | cranial | diaphragm | dorsal | pelvic | thoracic | ventral | vertebral | vertebral


Dorsal ventral body cavities with blank labels
Body cavities. Betts et al. 2021. CC-BY 4.0.

Practice pronouncing and defining the following directional terms.

Anterior (or Ventral) (an-TĒR-ē-ŏr)

Deep (DĒP)

Distal (DIS-tăl)

Homeostasis (HŌ-mē-ō-STĀ-sĭs)

Inferior (or Caudal) (in-FĒR-ē-ŏr)

Lateral (LĂT-ĕr- ăl)

Medial (MĒD-ē-ăl)

Posterior (or Dorsal) (pŏs-TĒ-rē-or)

Proximal (PROK-sĭ-măl)

Superficial (SOO-pĕr-FISH-ăl)

Superior (or Cranial) (soo-PĒ-rē-or)

Use the anatomic reference system to identify the regions and quadrants of the body pictured below.

diaphragm | epigastric | hypogastric | left hypochondriac | left iliac | left lumbar | left lower quadrant | left upper quadrant | right hypochondriac | right iliac | right lower quadrant | right lumbar | right upper quadrant | umbilical


Regions and quadrants with blank labels
Regions and quadrants. Betts et al., 2021. CC-BY 4.0.

Use terms related to the body as a whole.

Test your knowledge by answering the questions below.

The smallest unit of any of these pure substances (elements) is a(n)

  1. cell
  2. organ
  3. atom

Describes a position closer to the surface of the body.

  1. anterior
  2. superior
  3. superficial

The plane that divides the body or organ horizontally into upper and lower portions is called the

  1. transverse plane
  2. sagittal plane
  3. frontal plane

The cavity that includes the cranial cavity and spinal cavity is called the

  1. ventral cavity
  2. anterior cavity
  3. posterior cavity

The name of the layer of the membrane that covers the organs is the

  1. parietal layer
  2. serous layer
  3. visceral layer


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Medical Terminology Student Companion Copyright © 2022 by Stacey Grimm; Colleen Allee; Heidi Belitz; Traci Gotz; Micheal Randolph; Elaine Strachota; and Laurie Zielinski is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.