Welcome to the WTCS Guide to OER and Anti-racism! We are glad you are here and hope you find this online workbook helpful. We hope you are able to use this work and adapt it to fit your own needs. If you do use our work, we encourage you to openly license and share your work with us and others via the Commons.
Within this workbook, you will examine resources and explore key concepts in the context of your own teaching and learning and interactions with your students. Check quizzes are provided along the way to help you gauge your own learning. You will also write personal reflections of your learning and growth.
The ultimate goal is to transform some aspect of your teaching to be more anti-racist using OER and open pedagogical approaches. You will describe your idea, lay out a timeline, and craft an action plan for immediate implementation.
We cannot wait to see your ideas. It will not necessarily be easy to examine issues of racism, anti-racism, and our own feelings about our teaching and learning in this context, but we believe with an open mind, an open heart, and a real willingness to learn, we can get there together. We just know you are going to do great things! Again, we welcome you.
This workbook is a remix of Open for Anti-racism by Kim Grewe and Joy Shoemate, licensed under CC-BY and Student Success with Open & Affordable Resources (OER 101) by Vince Mussehl (CVTC), licensed under CC-BY.
Wisconsin Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge and honor the inherent sovereignty of the 12 tribal nations in Wisconsin that are pictured on the map below.

We take time to call out the need for each of us to learn about the tribal nations in our communities, create meaningful collaboration and partnership, and lift up the voices of native people. Also as educators, we need to work to decolonize our curriculum and engage in antiracist pedagogy. To learn more about the tribal nations within Wisconsin, please see The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture and Language webpage.